3 Ways to Help Consumers Connect with Your Brand

The business world is constantly changing—and not just in terms of the products sold and the technology used. The way businesses interact with consumers, and the way that they market their brands has shifted dramatically over the last few decades. In the past, simply offering a quality product and getting that product into the public eye was enough to drive your business’s growth.

But with the explosive growth of the internet and social media, consumers now want to connect with companies on a more personal level before making a purchase. They want to see more than a faceless corporation behind the products they buy; they want to see a relatable, trustworthy business culture. So, how can you help consumers to connect with your brand on a deeper level? How can you reap the benefits that come from this connection? Here are a few tips.

Always Ask Their Opinions

First and foremost, you want your target demographic to feel that their opinions matter to you. But you have to do more than ask them to fill out a general customer satisfaction survey at the end of a call. You need to solicit their opinions on any major changes to your business, including the products you sell, features of your products, brand image, and more. Keep an open channel of communication at all times, so that they can offer suggestions on how they think you can improve.

This might sound a little overwhelming at first; after all, how do you filter through a never-ending stream of recommendations? How do you find the gems amid the pile of suggestions? Simply make sure you’re employing the right technology to gather customer input. Modern idea management software can provide you with an easy way to gather feedback while also tracking trends and encouraging user input.

Share Your Culture

It’s common business knowledge that you need to be on social media. But too many businesses use social media platforms only as a way to promote their products and services. That’s a fast way to lose followers. The modern consumer doesn’t want to hear you talk about your products all the time. They want to know what your business is like—products and services aside.

So share your culture on your social media platforms. Post videos of recent company events. Share fun memes relevant to your business. Get on board with trending hashtags and other social media trends. Don’t just be another sales page; be a part of the social media community. When consumers connect with your culture, they’ll remember your company the next time they need your services or products.

Offer Help and Advice

Many people have called the 21st Century “The Age of Information.” And it is the Age of Information for businesses as well. Information can be just as important a commodity as what you’re selling to your customers. Consumers are constantly looking for help and advice online—and you can provide it.

If you own a plumbing supply company, write blogs on DIY plumbing repairs. If you sell craft supplies, post YouTube videos demonstrating fun craft ideas. From investment advice to tips on organizing a home, there is always some kind of information that you can offer your prospective customers. By providing this information, you’re offering a free service to your target demographic, which builds trust, establishes you as an authority in your industry, and helps them to connect with your company. You can

bet that when they need to buy those craft supplies or hire a plumber, they’ll think of the business that gave them free advice in the past.

Marketing today is about far more than catchy billboard phrases and flashy newspaper ads. If you want to build trust with consumers and increase your base of loyal customers, first help them to connect with your brand and your business. Once that connection is there, loyal customers will follow.