2015 NAPAW Memorial Concert: Opera NOVA/WMWC Ensemble with Youth Orchestra

The National Association of Professional Asian American Women (NAPAW) and Opera NOVA, We proud to present the 13th Annual Memorial Concert ”in support of the Children’s Cancer Research Program” with Opera NOVA, Washington Metropolitan Women’s Chorus (WMWC), HIVO Youth Orchestra, and Invited Guest Artists, who are Internationally/Nationally well known talented and professional performing artists will join us. All remarkable individuals and groups who will graciously dedicate their talents paying tribute with musical performance on behalf of NAPAW. This event is scheduled for theSaturday, June 6, at 7:30 PM at the
Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington (JCCGW) “Kreeger Auditorium”.

For tickets, please see here:  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/napaw-memorial-concert-tickets-15988220197?aff=eac2

As you know, NAPAW is committed to contributing all of the proceeds from the concert to the cancer research and to programs geared to improving the quality of life for the diseased and less fortunate. In the past, each such concert allowed NAPAW to contribute to the NIH Children’s Inn for those children with life threatening diseases and to the cancer research program at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center (SKCCC) at the Johns Hopkins University (previously known as the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center). Your generous donation and continued support make these meaningful events possible. For further information, please visit www.napaw.org.