UPDATED:  May 31, 2007 0:16 AM
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CCACC Volley Ball Summer Clinic

Every summer, Chinese Culture and Community Service Center (CCACC) holds volley ball clinic sessions. The clinics are designed for junior and high school boys and girls who want to build solid fundamental skills and excel in volleyball team play.

The first camp will focus on small groups of individual skills: techniques, decision-making, movement and mechanics. The goal is for individual players to develop an organized system of play both on offense and defense. The sessions provide more selective, detailed and advanced training for the athletes.

The second camp will focus on combinations drills to improve their technique and ability in the sport and more on how to play the game, the position and the decision making of the game.

Date & Time                                                     Location: (Tentative) 

Session I: June 21 - 24 (9 AM – 4 PM)            Redland Middle School

Session II: July 12 - 15 (9 AM – 4 PM )          6505 Muncaster Mill Rd.,

Session III: August 2-5 (9 AM – 4 PM)        Rockville, MD 20855

Fee:  $220 for one session, one child; $200/student/session for multiple sessions or multiple children from the same family. Please make check payable to CCACC and mail to: CCACC, c/o Ned Li, 725 Anderson Ave., Rockville, MD 20850

            Please register on-line at www.ccacc-dc.org Select the summer clinic news inside the “What’s New” box on the home page. Contact: Ned Li,  301-251-6263; Fax: (301) 251-8587; or email:  nedli@mris.com

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