UPDATED:  May 31, 2007 0:16 AM
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Group Discusses Immigration Challenges for API Gays

Group Discusses Immigration Challenges for API Gays

A group of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organizations held a panel discussion on immigration for LGBT people in the Asian Pacific and Islanders community last May 3 at St. Thomas Parish, 1772 Church St. NW in Washington, D.C.

Panelists discussed how immigration affects LGBT people. It also focused on immigration reform and what challenges lay ahead.

            Organizers said LGBTQ Asian community often faces the joint effects of homophobia as well as anti-immigrant and racist bias. The panel discussion “explored the unique challenges of negotiating an immigration system that is both racist and homophobic, as well as the challenge of forming coalitions with mainstream LGBTQ communities and mainstream Asian communities.”

            The panel discussion raised questions such as: What is the nature of the US immigration system and its treatment of LGBTQ Asians? What should be the strategy for achieving immigration reform that takes into account the unique needs and concerns of LGBTQ Asians? What is the current focus of LGBTQ Asian activists regarding immigration reform?

The panelists were Larry Chang, Debanuj DasGupta, Gramoz Prestreshi, and Irene Recio. Deepa Iyer acted as moderator.

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